Cambodia Pepper and Spices Federation (CPSF)

  • Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • (+855) 23 23 45 98
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18 Dec, 2023

Key Stakeholder Meeting in Phnom Penh (Cambodia)

Under the supervision of the Ministry of Commerce, the Cambodia Pepper and Spices Federation (CPSF) organized a meeting with the key stakeholders of the pepper sector on September 27, 2023. 

The objective of the meeting was to gather information on the key challenges and opportunities of the Cambodian pepper sector.

The meeting was excellent preparation for CPSF for its future discussions with the government and its relevant ministries since CPSF will be able to speak with one voice and share a common vision and mission: developing a Cambodia Pepper Policy capable of delivering social and economic impact and developing a sustainable strategic plan for the pepper sector.

The key challenges identified were:

At the farm level:

Lack of access to quality inputs and training

Climate change and pests and diseases

At the processing level:

Lack of post-harvest infrastructure and equipment

Lack of food safety standards and certification


Lack of market information and access to international markets

Competition from other pepper producing countries

Tax incentive 


Complex and burdensome export logistics (customs and excise) 

Cost complexity for export and tax incentives


Need for government support for the pepper sector

Limited research and development

Next step:
CPSF will use the information gathered from the key stakeholder meeting to develop a Cambodia Pepper Policy that will address the challenges facing the sector and promote its sustainable growth. The policy will be presented to the government and relevant ministries for discussion and adoption.

Potential benefits of a Cambodia Pepper Policy:
Increased productivity and quality of Cambodian pepper
Increased income for pepper farmers and processors
Increased exports of Cambodian pepper
Job creation and economic development in rural Cambodia
Improved food safety and sustainability of the pepper sector

The development of a Cambodia Pepper Policy is a step towards addressing the challenges the pepper sector is now facing and towards supporting its sustainable growth. We can be pleased about CPSF's initiative to organize a key stakeholder meeting to that effect. Under the auspices of and in close partnership with the government and its relevant ministries, the development and implementation of a Cambodia Pepper Policy will benefit all the stakeholders of the Cambodian pepper sector in the long term.

CPSF would also like to mention its donor and key partner HEKS and CIRD for their unwavering support contributing to the success of CPSF.


Government, Donors & Partners
